Increase Traffic from Quora

Hacks to Increase Traffic from Quora to Your Website Overnight

A couple of months ago, I was struggling to come up with ways to increase my website traffic and get more customers, so I did what any good online marketer would do – I turned to Quora.

If you aren’t familiar with Quora, it’s essentially the largest Q&A forum in the world, where users ask and answer questions on pretty much any topic you can think of and there are even categories dedicated to business questions.

Hacks to Increase Traffic from Quora to Your Website

No matter what you’re selling, the more visitors you get to your website, the better off you are. 

And whether you’re just starting out or have been running your business for years, there are plenty of ways to do that. 

But the one technique I was most surprised by has been Quora. Just by sharing my knowledge and expertise on this platform, I was able to triple my website traffic in just one month—an increase that will continue to grow month after month as people read and share my content. 

In this article, I’ll walk you through how to Increase traffic from Quora to Your Website yourself!

What is Quora?


Quora is a question and answer site where people can ask questions and get answers or you can also define Quora as a social networking service that lets its users ask questions, answer questions, and share content. 

The site has an open registration policy which means anyone can sign up for an account to contribute content or vote on existing posts. 

The company was founded in 2009 by two former Facebook employees, Adam D’Angelo (CEO) and Charlie Cheever (CTO), and has since grown to more than 230 million monthly visitors.

Users are able to post both text-based questions or links to other websites on the Quora platform. 

Answers are usually provided by other Quora users who have knowledge in the given topic area.

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Why is Quora important?

Many bloggers see a large portion of their traffic coming from social media. But for those who regularly share articles, getting eyes on your content can become a challenge. 

That’s where sites like Quora come in handy. With more than 250 million users around the world, it is important to take advantage of their unique features and drive traffic to your website. 

Instead of posting your content on just another social media site, consider reposting it on a platform that has already gained millions of loyal users with an interest in what you have to say.

Using Quora will significantly increase your website traffic. By answering questions on Quora, you’ll be making a name for yourself as an expert. 

To answer a question on Quora, find out who else has already answered that question and what their advice was, then create your own version of their advice. 

This will help readers of your answers see you as an expert on that subject matter. If you can answer multiple questions using content from your own website or another trusted resource, do so; just make sure to cite all sources properly to avoid legal troubles later on down the road. 

When should you start using Quora?

You can state using quora as soon as you can. Quora is a great way to start increasing your website traffic, especially if you’re new or don’t already have a substantial following. 

The platform focuses on user-generated content rather than ads and allows users to ask questions and answer them based on their expertise in certain fields. 

You can answer other people’s questions in order to gain authority, as well as write original content on Quora that will then be shared around its network of users. 

To start using Quora, you need only sign up for an account and get started! Keep in mind, though, that when starting out it’s easy to feel intimidated by all the experts on Quora—but trust me: Everyone was once in that square. 

If you take time each day to visit and respond to others who are asking relevant questions, slowly but surely you’ll build a name for yourself on Quora.

How to write an effective Quora answer

How to write an effective Quora answer
How to write an effective Quora answer

The number one tip for writing good answers on Quora is having a good question or answer idea in mind. 

If you don’t have a compelling answer/question, then there’s no point in putting time into writing it. 

Make sure you’ve thought it through carefully, and have evidence of your own experiences that relate to your question or answer. 

Add statistics and other quantifiable proof where possible if you want your answer/question to be taken seriously. 

Another important element of writing good answers on Quora is keeping things engaging.

Answer questions as they’re asked, but add more value than just a short, simple response — you’re more likely to be successful with a thoughtful reply rather than with a purely factual one that doesn’t leave room for conversation. 

Make sure your posts aren’t too promotional. This isn’t necessarily easy because many writers get excited about their work and can inadvertently cross over into promotion territory. 

When it comes down to it, Quora rewards quality responses and experts who know what they’re talking about, so focus on making valuable contributions instead of being overly enthusiastic about your new business!

It is important to remember before using Quora that spamming may lead to your Quora account being blocked. So, do not SPAM

Extra Tips for writing good and compelling answers on Quora

Your goal should be to give high-quality answers to help readers with the value they are searching for. Now while you are writing your answers. here are some extra tips you can follow.

1. Add Images to your Quora Answers

how to add images on quora answers
how to add images on quora answers

Adding images first is essential, as they will make your questions and answers stand out. Not only that, adding images to your answers will attract more views to your answers.

Take yourself as an example. Would you prefer an article without pictures explaining more of the content or just a plan article without images? I guess your answer is the article with images, simply because images attract more than just plain text.

So to sum up

Answers with images are more likely to be visible and people looking for information will have a higher chance of reading them.

Adding images is the first step when writing your answers.

2. Insert YouTube videos

link youtube videos to your answers
link youtube videos to your answers

You can import YouTube videos as the next tip on how to write good and compelling answers on Quora to increase traffic from Quora to your website. This is also very important because it will give you more traffic and more views to your website and also to your YouTube channel since you can copy any YouTube video and paste it into your answer.

3. Make Your Answers Long

The third tip for getting free traffic from Quora is to make your answers long. However, the answers shouldn’t just be long, but of value to the readers as well.

4. Research Latest Question on Google.

It’s very important to find out which questions are ranking on Google. This can be achieved simply by using SEMrush to find the most relevant questions on Quora and a specific topic and answer them.

This means you’ll get a lot of organic traffic from Google. When answering these questions, be sure to go to Semrush and filter your results by organic search.

In my opinion, this is a very important tip to make sure you are answering the best questions on Quora to get traffic.

5. Submit Posts  to Quora Space

Quora has something called a space where you can submit articles as a group to a particular topic where others are also submitting articles.

In a Quora space, you will see different people who are also contributing to that particular space. So you can join a space related to your niche in Quora and start contributing to that space. What this does is that you get your content or answers exposed to other people 

Therefore, everyone who follows that space will see your article in the same way, and you’ll get more traffic and your article will appear like a guest post on the quora space.

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I would like to make a final request before I go into the next point: Please do not spam the platform at any time, or you will be automatically blocked. 

Try as much as possible to give real value to users who submit questions this is because they are really looking for solutions to their problems, so try to be that person to help them out. it will really increase your credibility.

In this way, you can build trust, build your brand, and you will be known worldwide as having good answers. You can also refer to your website links, and then you will be able to get a lot of traffic.

And if you wish to share your links, the optimal way to share links on quora is by sharing a link in every five answers you post on Quora.

This way you won’t appear spammy; you’ll provide valuable content, build trust, and gain authority, which will likely increase your traffic.

Trust me, you will get high-quality traffic by doing this. And also you can apply this method to your youtube channel if you want to get more views and subscribers.

As soon as you create a Quora account, you can begin answering questions. You should, however, refrain from adding any links to your answers at first. 

I recommend not adding any links to your answers during the first week. Trust must be built with Quora that you are not a spammer. When you post a link on the first day, Quora immediately bans you. 

Once you have given answers to some questions without any links, you can start adding links from the second week. 

However, as I have mentioned previously I recommend inserting one link out of each five answers. After one month, you can begin inserting links to all your answers.

Some people add affiliate links directly to their Quora answers. Adding affiliate links directly to Quora answers is not recommended. 

You could be banned if you do so. But Quora will notify you first if a policy violation occurs. To avoid using direct affiliate links, I always insert the URL of my website or landing page instead. 

How do you promote your answers?

There are two ways to increase your exposure on Quora: Give high-quality answers. Answer higher-traffic questions. 

You can also promote your answers on social media and link back to them if you want. From personal experience, I’ve found that leaving a comment on someone else’s answer is a good way to promote it because more people will see it that way. 

If you have no idea how long your answer should be and have never written anything before, don’t worry about it! My first few answers were about 200 words; now they average about 1,500 words each. 

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The content in this guide has been created to help you learn more about Quora and how you can use it to Increase Traffic from Quora to Your Website and also grow your business.

Following the simple tips mentioned above on a regular basis will guarantee you traffic to your website within three months. 

Those are the basics of Quora traffic generation. Do you have any other suggestions? Let us know in the comments below.

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