Affiliate Marketing Ideas

10 Best Affiliate Marketing Ideas That Will Increase Your Commission

Affiliate marketing can be an extremely profitable way to make money, but it can also be complicated, especially if you’re just starting out or trying to grow your business.

To help you get started or even take your affiliate marketing business to the next level, we’ve put together this list of the affiliate marketing ideas that we feel every successful affiliate marketer should know and follow in order to be as successful as possible so as to take advantage of that potential to earn BIG while working LITTLE.

As the term implies, passive income is any kind of revenue stream that doesn’t require

your constant attention or involvement.

An example of a passive income stream is buying a property to rent it out. 

Despite the fact that there is some effort and work involved in finding the right property, preparing the property for tenants, and dealing with any legal side of things – combined with your financial investment in the form of the mortgage and deposit – Once you have tenants, you can start earning money right away with little or no effort.

It is true, property inspections and tenant changes may arise from time to time, but for the most part, you will be earning passive income through the rent as a landlord.

Affiliate Marketing Ideas
Best Affiliate Marketing Ideas

The decision to generate passive income is a long-term one that involves short-term trade-offs. 

You could be making thousands of dollars over the long term if you can dedicate the time, skills, and resources to your goal of generating passive income and possibly retiring early. 

The problem with this mood of passive income is that not everyone has the skill, time, and money to run such a business. That’s just the bad side of this

However, the good news is that there are still other ways to make passive income. 

It is amazing how simple and effective some of these methods are. What’s even better is that anyone can use them. 

Affiliate marketing is just one example of such a method. Now is the time for you to sit up and take notice of this option. Moreover, it’s also time for you to start implementing it correctly. 

The affiliate marketing system is one of the best methods for making passive income online for anyone. 

This method is foolproof and doesn’t require technical knowledge. 

The only reason there aren’t more people doing this is that most either don’t know about it or do not understand how powerful and effective it can be. 

Let’s break it down: If you spend just a few hours an evening on affiliate marketing, you will eventually earn enough money that you may decide to quit your day job. 

The best part? It doesn’t even require you to make your own product. In fact, it doesn’t even require you to create your own marketing materials. 

All you need to do is simply take an existing business model and duplicate it to start making money for yourself. 

The concept is just a copy-and-paste business plan. Do you see?

In this guide, you’re going to discover the 10 Best Affiliate Marketing ideas that will Increase your commission

Here are our 10 best affiliate marketing ideas that can help you increase your affiliate commission.

Not only will these tips improve your commissions, but they will also make things easier for you and improve the quality of the information that you are providing to your audience.

1) Take advantage of low competition

low competition
low competition

What if you could find a product and niche with limited competition? A niche that makes it easy for you to rank in Google and make more money through affiliate commissions? 

This is very possible! In fact, there are thousands of niches online where you can immediately take advantage of low competition. 

These niches are called low-hanging fruit because it’s relatively easy to achieve success in them.


2) Look for products that target beginners.

products that target beginners.
products that target beginners.

When you’re looking for a niche, consider what a beginner would need. 

For example, if someone wants to learn how to play golf, they’d want information on clubs and balls, too—so that’s a product they might be interested in buying. 

That also makes it an opportunity for affiliate marketing; if you’re an expert on golfing, you could sell your knowledge by creating an e-book or other piece of content around learning how to improve your game. 

The more specific you are when researching different niches, products, and services, the better off you’ll be in terms of money and traffic.

3) Identify monetization opportunities within a niche

Monetization opportunities
Monetization opportunities

Another option for finding profitable niches with low competition is to pick a niche with multiple monetization possibilities.

This increases your profitability and potential earnings.

In addition to maximizing earnings, multiple monetization opportunities lower your risk for a big drop in payouts.

If one of your monetization strategies does not work out as planned, you can switch to another method.

What’s important here is being able to prove that your audience has a need for what you’re selling and that you can provide it better than anyone else. 

And remember, if you can’t actually sell something directly from your site, there’s always dropshipping!

4) Research potential traffic sources

potential traffic sources
Potential traffic sources

If you want to determine whether a niche is worth your time or not, check out its traffic potential. 

It is only possible to establish a stable income when there are multiple traffic sources to utilize.

Identify the top websites and social media channels within your niche and determine which sources of traffic they use.

To find this information, you can use a variety of paid and free tools.

Among these are Semrush, Ahrefs, and SimilarWeb

Find out what percentage of the website’s traffic comes from paid advertising, organic traffic, and the social media channel.

You should also note which social channels are used most frequently in this niche to drive traffic.

5) Discover a unique selling point for your niche

unique selling point
Unique selling point

The key to success in any niche is to have an unbeatable selling point.

So, think about how you can differentiate yourself from your competitors?

How can you make your website or channel unique and successful?

Having a well-defined brand will help you sell more products and gain more commissions.

For any niche, it is important to develop a unique strategy. Developing one is especially crucial in a highly competitive niche. 

While most affiliate sites repeat general information, you want to provide value for your readers by offering them unique content.

When you have identified a niche, it’s time to consider how your product/service can add value to your customers.

In other words, what makes it special and unique? Why should a customer choose you over all the competitors?

Here are some questions that will help: 

  • What are the problems they need fixed?
  • Are there items they need urgently that can’t be found anywhere else?
  • Are you able to provide personalized service?
  • Do you offer more affordable services than your competitors?

Utilizing your strengths as a marketer can help you determine your USP (unique selling point).

So, do you have a knack for writing original copy?

Do you have a funny story to tell, a downloadable guide, or a unique tactic that you can incorporate into your strategy?

Are you an expert in video editing and presenting? Make a comparison between the top YouTube channels in your niche and write down what you could do better or differently. 

In order to highlight your content and make it stronger, you need to make successful findings from your competitors.

Put effort into creating a memorable, unique, and engaging brand identity for your content. 

By doing this you will quickly distinguish your affiliate website from the vast majority of similar look-alike affiliate websites.

6) Diversify your product and service offering

When it comes to making the most out of affiliate marketing, one of the best ways to achieve such success is to branch out with different products.

In other words, you should be selling more than just ebooks.

For many marketers, ebooks are their preferred option since they use platforms such as JVZoo and Clickbank.

Since there are no overheads or delivery costs associated with ebooks, authors are able to offer much higher commission rates.

Although that seems great, selling ebooks restricts your market significantly. 


Because many people aren’t interested in buying ebooks. 

Think about it: 

• Does your grandma or grandpa buy ebooks?

• What about your friend who doesn’t read?

• How about does of your friends who aren’t into internet marketing and don’t read self-improvement? 

However physical products can still come in handy as an alternative to digital products.

When you sell those products – whether through Amazon, eBay, other affiliate programs, or a direct relationship with the manufacturer – you will generate greater sales and therefore more revenue. 

However, what’s even better is that you will also be able to offer some products that are more expensive. 

As an example, what if you wanted to sell a college MBA course? Sure, there are programs that allow you to do this, and as you can imagine, the potential profit is enormous. 

As a similar example, you may want to use Amazon Associates accounts to sell gaming laptops – they typically cost over $3,500! A 4% commission on that would earn you over $100. 

7) Use the Right Tools

Use the Right Tools
Use the Right Tools

If you sell a variety of products and services on your website, then you’ll find that it can become difficult to track everything. 

If you promote so many products and services on your website, you may find it difficult to track your records.

• How do you find out which products earn you the most money? 

• How do you track down the money you haven’t received?

• How do you create links for each product? 

And the answer is tools such as Trackanomics or Genius Link can help you archive that

Using these tools, you can quickly search and add affiliate accounts, and then you can generate links from those products. The best part is that they will let you track their performance. 

Fortunately, both of these tools have Chrome plugins(extensions), which means you can visit a page where the products you want are listed, and then click a button to automatically generate the link for you. 

The only drawback is that Trackanomics costs $500 per month. So if you have extra money to invest you can go with the tool. It’s worth it. 

Beginners may wish to stick with Genius Link then, but this also gives you an idea of how much the really big companies are making!

8) Use Top 10 Lists 

Now you have tons of options for selling these products. 

There is no more need to market hard toward other internet entrepreneurs: now you can create top ten lists with excellent SEO to attract regular customers. 

Let’s get back to those gaming laptops we mentioned previously. 

Think about creating a list of expensive laptops that will drive new visitors to your site and will lead to conversions for you. 

When someone is looking to buy those products, what might they search for? Well, right now, the top graphics card is the RTX 3080. 

This is what most gamers will want if they want to buy a high-end gaming laptop, and it also guarantees that the product will be expensive.

If we head over to the Google keyword planner tool, then we can see that the best phrase for this is RTX 2080 laptops. 

tYJGqI8AC0XhZik8gnv8um2tiUCiMf0gWGXopLU3prPhtE5CUDeDlqrXXCNnYZjwbz YLCydrYc301WwwkyizjU XIxuGWiTDYAlEkPRyeQZshq9eN3oHuK 63CkpfDAUuOB1hgh

That has a search volume of 18,100, and it is safe to assume that most people who search this term are interested in buying from you! 

You can create a top 10 list Add a few bullet points to your post along with your SEO so that your link appears in the SERPs with a rich snippet – increasing your click-through rate. 

By writing great articles, you’ll increase your conversions, too! 

9) Build a Passionate Audience 

Passionate Audience

With the above-outlined strategy, you would be able to sell a lot of products from your site without having to build a regular audience. 

However, it is still highly recommended that you do take the time to build your audience. 

Taking the time to build an audience that really trusts you makes you a thought leader and an influencer. 

When it comes to your conversion rates, this makes a HUGE difference. 

When someone knows and trusts you, they will be more inclined to 

Take your recommendation seriously.

There’s no doubt that they enjoy your style, and you’ve spent time building a relationship with them.

Also, you will have spent time and effort identifying precisely the right people. 

Getting to this point requires that you consistently deliver great content in your niche, while also building a strong social presence. 

Focus on building relationships and communication with your followers. Let them know how much you value them.

In terms of the content itself, you should focus on offering an original take on a subject and only writing about things you’re passionate about. 

It will be the difference between rehashing existing content and creating new content (which could also be outdated or of poor quality) versus writing something interesting and unique that nobody has heard before. 

Think about it like this: if you don’t understand the topic and you’re just copying what others have done, you can’t be a thought leader! 

Identify your target demographic, create a strong brand, and don’t try to appeal to everyone. 

Do this, and you will experience rapid growth and increased engagement

10) Use PPC

Now you have loyal readers who buy from you regularly as well as visitors who found you on Google. 

You can dramatically increase your revenue by combining the sales from these two sources. 

However, we’re going to take it a few steps further by also including PPC for good measure. 

PPC which means Pay Per Click is a form of advertising offered by Google, Facebook, and other Ad networks. 

In this way, you can only pay for ads if somebody clicks on them. 

By doing this, you can determine what each visitor to your site will cost you. 

If you are aware of your conversion rates and how much profit you make from your conversions, then you can plan a strategy that makes you money.

Which of these tips do you think works best for you feel free to drop your thoughts in the comment section below.

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