How Much Traffic Does A Website Need To Make Money

How Much Traffic Does A Website Need To Make Money? (The Truth No One Says)

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RegRegardless of your level of expertise, whether you’re an aspiring blogger looking to earn some cash, Or a multimillion-dollar company that wishes to better monetize its audience and hit the 8-9 figure mark, you may ask how Much Traffic Does A Website Need To Make Money? This is the burning question and was a question I asked myself even when I first started blogging.

To learn how much traffic you need to start making money with your website, keep reading and we will break it down for you.

What is the Importance of Website Traffic?

Before we look at the major question, let’s review the basics.

Generally, it’s no doubt that businesses with more traffic tend to generate more revenue.

How Much Traffic Does A Website Need To Make Money
How Much Traffic Does A Website Need To Make Money?

Having every visitor become a paying customer would be amazing. Everyone, however, cannot be that fortunate.

According to statistics, most websites’ conversion rates vary from about 1-3%.

Considering this, only 1-3% of visitors will give you their hard-earned money out of 100 that see your product page. What happens to the other 97-99% of people? I’m clicking away without buying anything.

Your website serves as a one-stop-shop that provides information about your company and the value you provide your customers. 

It’s unlikely that people who don’t visit your website will not know about your brand, much less what you offer.

In other words, if they don’t know what you have to offer, they probably won’t be able to buy.

How to Monitor Traffic on your Website

Haven showed how traffic is inextricably linked to our website revenue, so it’s important to know how much traffic your site generates. 

To do this, you can use google’s own tool which is google analytics. Google Analytics makes this easy and it’s a free tool that is well-known across the industry.

Now that you have accurate data measurements with Google Analytics connected to your website, you can now have accurate data analytics of your site such as:

  • The number of people who have visited your site
  • Pages they visited
  • Re-entry rate
  • Session duration
Google analytics 1
Google analytics

You can use this tool to keep track of your progress and ensure that you are consistently getting good results.

If you notice that your traffic is decreasing, you should act promptly and investigate the cause so that the decline does not last too long.

Increasing website traffic should always be the long-term goal since money will follow soon after.

Now is the time you’ve been waiting for: How much traffic does a website need to make money?

How to Monitor and Keep Track of Your Website’s Profits

How Much Traffic Does A Website Need To Make Money
Monitor and Keep Track of Your Website’s Profits

Next, we will discuss how to monetize your website.

Before we get started, you’ll need to know your company’s cost per click (CPC) and click-through rate (CTR). 

CPC stands for cost per click, the amount you pay for advertising.

It’s the amount your advertising platform pays you each time someone clicks on an ad on your website.

 A click-through rate (CTR) is the number of times a user clicks on a link.

The click-through rate is the percentage of visitors who clicked on your ad versus those who viewed but did not click.

Using these numbers, you can plug them into the calculation below to get an estimate of how much traffic you’ll need.

In order to make money with ads, you need a lot of traffic.

We decided to set the first threshold at $3,000 per month, or $100 per day.

This is what someone who wants to run their own web business full-time instead of working full-time usually receives compensation like this.

The amount of traffic needed to generate $100 each day depends on a variety of factors.

We will assume in our first example that you are earning money through an advertising platform such as Adsense.

Additionally, the prices you charge for other items or services are an important factor that determines how much traffic you’ll need to earn money.

Other than waiting for ad revenue, you are likely selling ebooks, courses, or one-on-one coaching as well.

These characteristics also affect the amount of traffic you’ll need to make money.

How Much Traffic Does A Website Need To Make Money 2

Listed below is a strategy assuming that you need to make $3,000 per month and utilize advertisements exclusively to monetize your site.

The First Step

In order to reach the $100 per day ($3,000 per month) goal, we need to calculate how many clicks it will take.

You can calculate this by applying the following formula: money desired / CPC. Let’s assume my cost per click is $2.

The total amount of clicks I need is $100/$2, which is 50.

The Second Step

The next step is to find out how much traffic you’ll need to generate $100 per day.

You can calculate this by applying the following formula: Number of clicks / CTR. From the first step, the number of clicks is obtained.

Let’s assume my CTR is 2%.

To generate $100 each day, I’d need 50 / 0.02, which equals 2,500 visitors..

For my website to generate $100 per day, I need 2500 visitors per day. 

The Third Step

The next step is to calculate the total traffic you will need each month to reach our goal.

You can calculate this by applying the following formula:

The total number of visitors each day multiplied by the number of days in a month equals the total number of visitors.

Our standard is to use 30 days as the number of days in a month to maintain consistency.

Using step two’s calculation, the number of visitors each day is determined.

Based on this example, the total amount of visitors you will need will be 2,500*30 which is equal to 75,000 monthly visitors to your site.

Please Note: This is only an estimate, and the actual amount of traffic required for your business depends on your own CPC and CTR.

Get More Traffic With These Pro Tips

Search engine optimization can be a great source to help you generate organic traffic (SEO).

To achieve this, you can use keywords to rank your website first on Google for a particular keyword search.

You can also use paid advertising to drive traffic to your website.

Using paid ads on Google, Facebook, and Instagram, you can reach your target market.

We also offer advertising services for a fee.

In terms of generating leads and sales, paid advertisements are the most efficient method.

Keep in mind that you won’t see results right away if you’re increasing your website traffic organically. 

It’s a long-term project that will require ongoing attention and improvement over the coming weeks, months, and years.

To be honest and in my own experience, I have found out that seeing results from your efforts can take up to 6 months. 

However, if you’re patient, you’ll start reaping the benefits of your effort in six months.

Here are some expert tips on how to generate long-term website traffic and convert it into big profits.

Recognize your target audience

Knowing who your target audience is and what attracts them is critical to increasing website traffic.

You will never generate website traffic if you don’t know who to market to and where to locate them.

You have to find out where your audience spends most of their time and promote your material there via free content and advertisements.

It is essential that you understand how your content will be found and shared before producing it.

Having this knowledge allows you to tailor your content to the platforms where they spend the most time.

It is also recommended that you develop the practice of tracking your audience’s evolution over time.

Is your content regularly reaching out to people where they are? These are factors you really need to put in place.

Make Use of Existing Content

Never lose sight of what you’ve already achieved!

power of good content 1
creat good content

Most of what you’ve created remains relevant to your audience.

It’s okay to promote previously published content.

Include links to previous blog articles in your new blogs, share them on social media, and repeat the process because social media platforms are an excellent place to post different information that links back to the same blog article.

By doing this, users will be sent to your site instead of your competitor’s.

Concentrate on the leads you already have.

The thrill of generating new traffic and leads has a tendency to get you carried away.

On the other hand, retention is still a key element in generating page views and cash.

It’s often a good idea to spend time figuring out what your current clients and prospects need.

One of the most effective ways for us to stay in touch with our customers is to ask them three questions.

A questionnaire for customers

Using this strategy not only displays your genuine concern but also draws attention to new content and sales opportunities.

(To measure prospects’ interest, ask them three different questions.)

A consumer may ask questions like “I’m looking for something like this, do you have something similar? 

When a consumer asks, “I’m looking for something like this, do you have anything similar?  ”.”

Now You can write a blog post about this issue, and then send it to the consumer, who will feel that they are the focus of the whole blog post.

This establishes a special relationship between you and your customers, which can lead to sales.

When selling to consumers, studies show that roughly 65 percent of your existing clients will purchase your products in comparison to only 10% of new clients.

Sales Leads
Sales Leads

At least half of your attention should be focused on this group because they will help boost your conversion rates.

Make Your Own Resource Page

By adding a resource page to your website, you will certainly increase traffic and develop relationships with peers.

A resource page is a page on your website dedicated to recommending useful websites, goods, and people that you believe would be of impact to your visitors and they would find it interesting.

By linking to these resources on your website and notifying the creators, you build positive relationships and create goodwill in your specialty.

Getting in touch with them and expressing your interest in their work is the first step toward establishing a mutually beneficial relationship.

Since they are prominently displayed on your website, they will frequently share them.

When they share your site with their followers, a segment of their followers will now visit your site.

Spreading value is the key to building momentum for your company.

Create Collaborative Posts

Using this method is another way to network with others in your industry.

Blogging is probably an important tool in the corporate world, which you already know.

If you don’t already, creating fresh content for your target audience should be an important part of your marketing strategy.

Alternatively, a roundup post might not be in your content plan.

Get to ask a few people in your niche if they would be willing to write a short section for a blog post; the more clout these people have, the more valuable it is.

Create Collaborative Posts
Create Collaborative Posts

They’ll be mentioned in their section so your followers will know how to contact them.

If they agree, there is a chance they’ll share it since they contributed to the post.

As soon as they share it, your website is visible to their followers.

Whenever you publish a roundup post, your relationships grow, your traffic increases, and your business expands.

Content Repurposing

Many website owners overlook the fact that different visitors consume content in different ways.

The mistake of only producing content for one channel leaves enormous gaps in reaching entire client categories. 

The good news is that you can reuse content you’ve already published on one platform for another.

As an example, you can reuse a blog post that you wrote into a podcast episode.

With this approach, you are able to reach out to people who prefer blogs for information and also people who also prefer podcasts for information.

Extending your presence across several channels is one of the best ways to increase website traffic.

Convert Emails Into New Visitors

For most businesses, getting people to sign up for an email list is the first step towards converting them to a customer.

Sending out a newsletter to your emails with fresh material, along with a link to your website in your signature, is another way you can increase traffic to your website.

Depending on the purpose of the link, you may link to a landing page for a product you’re promoting, a recent blog post you wrote, or just your site’s homepage.

Convert Emails Into New Visitors
Convert Emails Into New Visitors

Depending on which products you advertise and which blogs you publish, your signature can always vary


With your new knowledge, you now have a better understanding of how much traffic your website needs in order to generate revenue.

It is important to remember that this number can vary depending on the objectives of your business or company.

Anyway, I wish you the best of luck with your long-term goals and driving more traffic to your website!

When it comes to online money making, you can get more from me, Obinna Daniel, here on Newage-Digital.

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