YouTube Automation

Youtube Automation 2022: What It Is And How It Works

If you are new here I am Daniel and I have been doing youtube automation for over 3years now and this is making me a full-time income, actually multiple six-figure income per year.

What I’m going to do in this guide is to break down the business model behind youtube automation, so if you are interested to find out how it works and connecting the pieces together then this guide is for you because I will show you exactly how to do so.

Let’s get started

First what actually is youtube automation? 

YouTube Automation
youtube automation

What Is Youtube Automation

Basically, youtube automation is the act of you making youtube videos but instead of you making the videos yourself, for example, creating vlog type videos, reaction videos, and lots more it’s creating an automated channel where you don’t have to create the videos yourself.

So you manage your channel instead of creating videos, then you put ads on the videos to make money as we all know. 

You may ask do we make money from youtube? 

Well, one of the ways to make money on youtube is by putting ads on your videos, but there are so many other ways to make money from youtube which are affiliate marketing, selling merchandise, working with brands, joining the Youtube partner program, and lots more.

But putting ads on your videos is just one of them which is joining the youtube partner program and it’s the most common.

So basically you automate the workflow so that you can free your time. 

The ultimate goal with youtube automation is to create a youtube channel where you don’t need to be the one consistently creating the videos. 

Read: How to make money with Google AdSense without a Website ($100/day)

But then if you do the work yourself it’s not called automation and you don’t really have an automated business yet.

You just have an income-producing activity that you need to do all the time. Whereas if you are automated you don’t have to do it, so you make money without actively being involved in the activities that bring in the money 

Requirement for youtube automation

On youtube in order to put ads on your videos you need:

1) 1000 subscribers & 4000 watch time hours.

2) You need monetizable content: If you upload content on youtube that is not user friendly then youtube wouldn’t accept you to their partner program, so avoid it also make sure you don’t steal content but I will get back to that later on these guide so keep reading 

3) YPP(Youtube Partner Program) Must be available in your country: In some countries, the youtube partner program may not be available so double check that if you are reading this chances are that it will be available in your country so just check to confirm so that you can go ahead with your channel.

How the youtube automation business model work 

How youtube automation works
How youtube automation works

So here you have a channel which is your channel, you have revenue coming from that channel based on the videos you’ve been uploading because of that you have AdSense revenue when people watch those videos if you are doing it successfully, you then make money from those ads and that is your revenue.


So remember you own a channel and you don’t create videos, because of that creating the videos will cost you some money, if you minus the revenue at the end of the day you have your profit. 

That is basically how the business model works in the most simplified way possible.

NOTE: You can do it yourself without a team but then it’s not automated anymore.

Now let’s take a look at some examples so that you can get a better understanding of what we are talking about.

Top Luxury Channel
top luxury

This channel above is called Top Luxury and it’s a great example of an automated channel because they are getting a lot of views and they are actually doing it the right way.

This channel currently has 539k subscribers and you can see that they are getting millions of views on their videos all in the past couple of months.

Basically, the channel is all about big mega projects in the world that are cool, failing, or useless and the channel is really making and killing it.

socialblade analytics
socialblade analytics

Using SocialBlade to analyze the channel, it’s currently getting 4 million views per month.

Now if they get paid roughly $2.5 per 1,000 views, they’ll make $10,000 in revenue with this channel.

top luxury analytics
top luxury analytics

Now, right there they had 34 million views a month, if they had a 2.5 RPM(Revenue Per Mille) they made up to 80 or $90,000 in just one month with their YouTube automation channel.

You might be wondering how I know this is an automated channel. 

Well, chances are it is automated I cannot confirm 100%.  But if you check the videos you can see that they are just stock footage videos and no one is actually showing his face and that is a YouTube automation format.

Basically, most of the time with these kinds of videos you need a scriptwriter, a voice-over that reads out that script, a video editor that puts it together, and a thumbnail designer that creates a highly clickable picture so that people can actually want to watch the video.

Now this specific channel I used as an example actually has all of these requirements, so they’re not showing their face and you can do it with a script, voiceover, video editor, and thumbnail editor. So it is the classic YouTube automation format.

That’s just one channel let’s take a look at another one.

make money girl
make money girl

This Particular channel is called Make Money Girl you can see the videos get a lot of views 100k, 500k, 600k and you might be wondering hey the first example I showed was getting 27 million, and these guys only a couple hundred thousand.

The reason for that is because this is a finance channel.

However, the benefit of this is that the RPM which is the amount of money that you get paid per 1,000 views is much higher.

For example, this kind of channel will pull in about $10 per 1,000 views and I can show you that right now because I’ve got a channel that is somewhat in the  finance niche 

$15 RPM
$15 RPM

And you can see my channel here has a $15 RPM

It’s currently starting to make quite some good money, it went from $100 per day to $250 right now which is really good and I’m really grateful for that.

That is just to show you that I do this myself as well. Now that you’ve seen some example channels, how do you actually start?

Read: How to Monetize TikTok Account with 10k Followers (Proven Secret)

How To Start A youtube Automation Channel

1). You need a channel Idea

 What I like to look at when building a new channel are 

i. The potential amount of views

This is pretty much how many views you would be able to get consistently on a  channel. 

For example, if I start a finance channel, what I would do is I would search for other finance channels on youtube, probably the best ones that are currently getting views.

I would check how many views they are getting, we check the top five channels, check the number of views they’re getting, and then I’d be like okay that’s the number of views I could potentially get if I’m at the top of the game.

Next is

ii. The CPM: Cost per 1,000 impressions (Pay Out)

I prefer to look at the RPM(Revenue Per Mille) but those are very much connected so they are similar to each other.

CPM is the amount that the advertiser pay per 1k  views and the RPM is the amount that you actually get to keep.

Now you can’t check this factually you cannot simply go to their channel and see their CPM. unfortunately, that doesn’t exist.

However, what you could do is simply google for niches to try and get some information because there’s a lot of information out there or think about it for example the finance niche will have a  high RPM and high CPM because it’s about money and finance.

So there are going to be finance ads on the videos whereas vlog channels or basic channels don’t get that targeted ads like finance because anyone could be watching a vlog.

It could be me who’s interested in finance or it could be my grandma that doesn’t care about finance so they’re not going to run finance ads on those videos specifically.

I could get an ad on a vlog channel about finance because my user profile is about finance, it’s targeted toward finance. 

About the CPM you can check google unfortunately there are not too many trusted sources where you can actually check the factual CPM.

But you can deal with that if you have a monetized channel already by simply uploading some videos and then testing what the CPM is, that way you can also get a great understanding.

If you want to figure out the CPM of a niche leave a comment down below I will reply to you if I know the CPM of your niche because I know the CPM in a lot of different niches, or I will get other readers like you as well to comment down below and reply the RPM and the CPM of a niche in case you’re in that niche.

Please if you’re not in that niche don’t comment on the CPM because you’re just guessing and if you have a trusted source go ahead I would love that.

Read: Top 5 FREE Traffic Sources for Affiliate Marketing (20,000 Clicks / Month)

iii. The reliability 

The reliability is pretty much taken into consideration, if I start this channel now will it be or can it be successful in a couple of years from now?

I don’t want to have a channel where I make $50k in a  year from that channel and then the next year I end up making $5k because it’s a  trend and I cannot sustain it. 

So what I’d like to do myself is focus on niches where I would start right now and I can keep building it up and it never slows down or it can slow down of course but then it doesn’t completely die.

So I can still make money from it five years from now, for example, the fidget spinners back in 2017 or so, they were really trending, and there were a ton of people that made a ton of money but right now no one cares.

With YouTube yes if you already have a lot of money then you could potentially do that because you can just make a lot of money right away and you don’t care about whether it’s sustainable or not.

If you’re just getting started that could be a great deal because you can just hop on a trend, make a lot of money and then use that money to reinvest it into sustainable channels.

If you already have a lot of money, then yes you could still do it, but I probably wouldn’t do it. if I would catch a trend to make a quick buck, I’ll probably not do that because it’s not worth my time and I want to build a reliable business for the future. 

Those are probably three things to look at when checking out a channel idea.

Next up 

2. Content team or Create Yourself

How do you come up with the content, do you create a content team or do you create it yourself.

For the content team, you can go with freelancer platforms like

·       Upwork

·       Fiverr 


·       PHP jobs

And all these platforms have a lot of talented freelancers that you can use to help make your videos.

For the content team, these are the platforms that you can use.

Now you may ask what about the workflow? The workflow is also really important.

for the workflow you can use project management software, a lot of them are free. I use

·       Trello (My Favourite)

·       Asana

· or

·       Wrike 

You can see Trello is my favorite I also use ClickUp, and I started using ClickUp recently and it’s pretty good as well.

But Trello will always get the job done and it’s free forever which is awesome.

These are project management software where you can add your team so that you can run your youtube automation business smoothly instead of just messaging back and forth all day.

Next, you need an upload schedule

3. Upload Schedule

Now that you’ve got the videos done you need an upload schedule because if you’ve got the videos done and just upload once every two months you’re not going to do well.

i. Upload Frequently

You need an upload schedule or upload frequently, an upload schedule by that I don’t really mean making it mandatory to post on Friday 5 pm, Monday 5 pm, Tuesday 5 p.m. no not really.

Just upload frequently, don’t upload now, and then your next upload in four months’ time or in eight months’ time.

If you do so you’re not going to build  an audience and you are not going to build a successful YouTube channel

ii. Let your audience know what to expect 

iii. upload at least 2 – 3 times a  week

I would say the budget for this would roughly be about $500 per month and that is a pretty good budget.

In summary upload at least two or three times a week with this business model otherwise you’re probably not going to succeed or it’s gonna be very slow.

You will have to put out videos in other to get data in return so you can improve on the videos and become a better channel.

But if you rarely upload you don’t have that data so you don’t know what to improve and it’s simply not going to work out very well. One of my channels is the best  example of that 

YouTube automation
YouTube automation

As you can see I went from getting about 2-3 dollars in daily revenue in July all the way up to $250 in revenue as of right now.

You can see it just keeps going up, once again proving that I like to build sustainable channels that go up over time, and also the more content I put out the more money I’ll make in return.

So that is once again the concept of doubling down on what works. And that is pretty much the concept of the business model which is youtube automation.

I’ll be uploading a Guide with an actual step-by-step plan to guide you when you want to go ahead and choose your channel and how to start a strategy that actually works for you.

So if you don’t want to miss out on that be sure to subscribe to our newsletter so that you will be the first to get notified.

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